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Mahavir Jayanti

Thursday, April 6, 2017 | 12:46:00 PM

Mahavir Jayanti is the most important Jain festival. It celebrates the birth of Saint Mahavir.The importance of the festival owes to the fact that Saint Mahavir was the founder of Jainism as a religion. It is a peaceful religion that cherishes simplicity. Their core values are such that they do not believe in killing even an insect. The mood of this festival is also without any kind of drama, just a quite celebration with respect to their saint.

Mahavir Jain was born in the 5th century B.C. He was born in a palace of Vaishali to King Siddhartha and Queen Trisala. During the pregnancy, the queen is said to have had dreams of auspicious nature. The number of dreams varies in belief of each sect. After running his kingdom faithfully till 30 years of his age, the great saint gave up all luxuries and comforts of palace for penance. For twelve long years the saint had been under penance. At this time he was enlightened. He was known to be the 24th and the last tirthankara to have received enlightenment.

He gave up all redundancies of life. He would eat on his palms refusing to use a plate. He also gave up wearing clothes. Getting rid of these rudimentary materials he focused on the real things and the real meaning of life. He preached the importance of truth and non-violence along with the message of not owning anything and not stealing. He later formulated all his teachings into a religion that he names Jainism.

The auspicious day of Mahavir Jayanti is celebrated by Jains all over the world. Jains visit Jain temples, perform various kinds of Puja and fast on this day. Mahavir Jayanti is the greatest festival for the Jains. On this day people try to remember the teachings of Lord Mahavira and also make promises that they will not hurt anyone in the future; knowingly and unknowingly. The struggles and hardships faced by Lord Mahavira portray how great his individuality and his personality was.

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