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Guru Nanak Jayanti

Guru Nanak Jayanti: Birth anniversary and a sacred festival

1/2/2015 4:24:00 AM

Guru Nanak Jayanti is one of the most sacred festivals in Sikhism. It marks the birth anniversary of the first Sikh Guru, Guru Nanak. He was the founder of the religion of Sikhism. Guru Nanak was responsible for shaping the beliefs of the Sikhs. On the eve of Guru Nanak Jayanti Sikhs celebrate and pray. He was born into a Hindu Khatri family. When he was born an astrologer was called to write his horoscope. When he came to his house he insisted on seeing the child. Everybody was amazed by his behaviour. When he saw the child he worshiped him and for casted that he would become a great religious personality in the future. Nanak showed his interest in divine subjects from a very young age. In the school the teachers were astonished by his divine knowledge. He used to describe about the unity or oneness of God. There are many incidents which made him a religious personality. In his early age he used to tell that there is no Hindu Muslim thing. All are one. All are the children of one G

Posted by: Desievite Admin

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