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9/2/2016 9:20:00 AM

ओणम                       केरल के प्रसिद्ध त्योहार 'ओणम' के माध्यम से नई संस्कृति को जानने का मौका मिलता है। इस अवसर पर महिलाओं द्वारा आकर्षक 'ओणमपुक्कलम' (फूलों की रंगोली) बनाई जाती है। और केरल की प्रसिद्ध 'आडाप्रधावन' (खीर) का वितरण किया जाता है। ओणम के उपलक्ष्य में विभिन्न सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रम तथा खेल-कूद प्रतियोगिताओं का आयोजन किया जाता है। इन प्रतियोगिताओं में लोकनृत्य, शेरनृत्य, कुचीपु़ड़ी, ओडि़सी, कथक नृत्य प्रतियोगिताएँ प्रमुख हैं। पुराणों में ओणम : ओणम त्योहार सम्राट महाबली से जु़ड़ा है। यह पर्व उनके सम्मान में मनाया जाता है। लोगों का विश्वास है कि भगवान विष्णु के पाँचवें अवतार 'वामन' ने चिंगम मास के इस दिन सम्राट महाबली के राज्य में प्रकट होकर उन्हें पाताललोक भेजा था। एक पौराणिक कथा है । महाबलि नाम के एक राजा केरल में राज्य करते थे । वह एक आदर्श राजा थे । उनके राज में प्रजा सुखी थी । वह प्रजा से बहुत प्यार करते थे । वह न्यायप्रिय थे । उनके लिए सब बराबर थे । छोटे-बड़े क

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Onam and the Ritual of feeding poor people

8/28/2012 12:19:00 AM

Once upon a time some men were travelling in a boat named Palliyodam. The boat was filled with goods. The goods consisted mainly of food items. They were sailing effortlessly. Suddenly a strange thing happened to their boat. The boat got stuck in the river. Efforts were taken to take out the boat from the lock down. The efforts went in vain. A kind hearted and spiritual man named Bhattathiripad was the in charge of the boat. He ordered the oarsmen to push the boat from behind. They got down and tried to push the boat from behind but the efforts did not paid off. Now everybody in the boat were sad and depressed. They were worried about the eatables because it would perish soon. After a few hours Bhattathiripad called the crew. He told them that he would go to the bank and return with whatever help he can get. Everybody agreed with his plan. He took a small boat and sailed to the river bank. He reached to the river bank. He could see a maiden hut there. He decided to go there an

Posted by: Desievite Admin

Atham: The first day of celebration

8/27/2012 4:33:00 AM

Onam is the biggest festival of Kerala. Onam is celebrated in honour of the homecoming of King Mahabali. It is also known as Vamana Jayanthi. In addition rice is harvested at the time of Onam. It is also known as harvest festival in Kerala. The festival lasts for ten days. Atham marks the start of celebrations of the ten day festivity of Onam. Each day has its own impotance. It is the first day of celebration. Atham is considered as a holy and fortunate day by the people of Kerala. It is believed that King Mahabali started his preparations to descend from heaven to earth on this day. One of the impotant activities on the day of Atham is to make Pookalam. It is also known as Athapoo. Pookkalam is the symbol of secularism. It is a carpet made up of yellow flowers. It is placed outside the house to welcome the great king Mahabali. These carpets enhance the beauty of the veranda and the wall of the house. Another important event which marks this day is the great colourful procession

Posted by: Desievite Admin

Onam and the Snake Boats

8/26/2012 1:19:00 AM

People believed that many years ago a Brahmin used to live near Aranmula temple whose name was Katoor Mana. He was a good person. He used to visit the Aranmula temple and Pamba river for worship daily. One day after finishing his prayers he decided to do a noble thing. He decided to find a poor person whom he can feed. After waiting for many days he was not able to find one. He continued going to the temple to offer his prayers. One day after finishing his prayers he opened his eyes. He saw a poor boy standing right in front of him. He was happy. He went to the boy and asked him to have a meal with him. When they finished eating he started searching for the boy. He could not find him anywhere. The boy disappeared. He decided to search the boy in his locality but there were no traces of him. A strange thing started to happen with Katoor Mana. Whenever he used to visit the temple he used to see the glimpses boy. He started searching for the boy around the temple but he could not fi

Posted by: Desievite Admin

Facts about Onam

8/25/2012 4:10:00 AM

1. The word Onam or Thiruvonam is derived from the Sanskrit word Shravanam. Thiruonam is one among the 27 nakshatras or constellations. The word ‘Thiru’ is used to address places and activities associated with Lord Vishnu. Thiruvonam is also believed to be the nakshatra of Vishnu. 2. It marksthe beginning of a new life. That is why it is celebrated by wearing new clothes and resolving to lead a new life. 3. Onam was declared as the national festivalof kerala in 1961. 4. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru was so impressed by this race that he announced a trophy for this race known as Nehru Trophy Boat Race. It is the biggest team sport event in the world today. 5. The harvest festival of Onam corresponds with the Malayalam New Year. 6. Record of celebrations can be found from the time of Kulasekhara Perumals (800 AD). At that time Onam celebrations continued for a month. 7. A procession of decorated elephants is carried out in Trissur, the cultural capital of Kerala. Bejeweled el

Posted by: Desievite Admin

Lord Vishnu and Mahabali

8/24/2012 7:02:00 AM

In the ancient time Mahabali ruled Kerala, India. He was a great ruler. The subjects were very happy with him. Kerala was prospering day by day. It is assumed that Mahabali was the grandson of Prahlada who was the son of Hiranyakashyapa. Hiranyakashyapa tried to kill Prahlada in numerous ways but at last he was killed by Lord Vishnu in Nirshima avatar. Mahabali was influenced by Prahlada. He also started worshiping Lord Vishnu. Under the influence of his Guru Shukracharya, he started a war against the Gods. He defeated the Gods and became the king of the three worlds. Seeing his success Guru Shukracharya persuaded him to perform Aswamedha Yagam. The speciality of this sacrificial rite was that if it was performed in an ordered manner he would become the strongest person in the world. Nobody would be able to defeat him. Shukracharya started the Aswamedha Yagam. Before it Mahabali announced that he would give the person whatever he asked for. The Gods became frightened. They went t

Posted by: Desievite Admin

Onam: A festival of rich festivities

8/22/2012 9:39:00 AM

Onam is a Hindu festival which is celebrated with a lot of enthusiasm in the state of Kerala, India. It is also known as Vamana jayanthi because on this day the Emperor Mahabali returned home. It starts in between August and September. This year it falls in August. It lasts for ten days. It is also a harvest festival. During this time rice is harvested. It is also known as festival of rain flowers. This festival is full of fun and playfulness. It includes large banquet lunches, snake boat races, Onappottan, Kaazhchakkula in Guruvayoor, Puli Kali, Kaikottikkali etc. People wear new dresses, visit the temples and perform dances like Thiruvadhira kali Thumbi Tullal etc. People also put colourful flower mats in front of their houses to welcome King Mahabali. People make Pookkalam from Various kinds of flowers. Pookkalam is the symbol of secularism. The swing is another integral part of Onam, especially in the rural areas. A feast called onam sadya is also observed during this festiva

Posted by: Desievite Admin

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