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Tuesday, April 4, 2017 | 7:50:00 PM


Found some dusty albums,
almost getting discarded with time,
The time and technology has gone far too fast,
No one now sticks pictures in an album, the finger tip camera album is the only survivor.

Who looks at all the old pictures in the albums anyway,
Who has the time to reminiscience their childhood days,
Who wants to know how little and precious kids once they were,
who wonders why parents adored them in front of nice garden, lake or ocean .

Don't beleive what nostaliga it is, open the pages of an album,
Your life will seem to evolve with every page you turn,
For a moment, the past will become present, the memories will come alive,
Every picture has some history, your heart will smile with the fondness and love.

The history of evolution used to get stored in those albums,
I can see myslef getting old from youth, playing with children, loving my wife,
The black and white pictures holding their grace, the color ones displaying exuberance,
Older I get, more time I have, to look at the albums and blend with the past.

Posted By Jay P Narain

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