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Wedding Traditions Followed in Lakshadweep, Andaman and Nichobar Islands

Tuesday, February 12, 2013 | 9:49:00 AM

Polygamy is practised in all islands. Marriages between certain castes are not permissible. A higher caste male can marry a woman of higher caste. Inter caste marriage is not permissible sometimes.


The husband is bound to pay an annual payment the upkeep of his wife which is one of the important marriage settlement clauses. Unlike many societies, a divorce in Lakshadweep is not considered a social stigma. On marriage a man goes to his wife’s house and takes his wife’s family name. A wife can demand divorce on grounds of non-payment of customary due. Adultery provide a ground for divorce. A man always sleeps in his wife's house (Vidu), takes tea or Kunjee there in the early morning and then goes to his own house (Pusa). All his meals he takes in his own house. While the man continues to be the bread winner of the family, the entire affairs of the family are managed by the female of the house. This is because of long absence of male members of the family as seamen. The engagement ceremony is called Mudi (literally the ring), it is same for Hindus and Christians.


In some tribes a boy has to pay the bride price in the form of cloths, pig and coconuts. It is given at the time of wedding. Upon marriage, for which the boy pays court to the girl and as to win her consent before the family decide to take up the mater formally. The decision as to where the couple will live is taken according to the circumstance of the families concerned and in consultation with the boy and girl. The girl will move to boys house- as often as not they decide to live with the girls family, especially when the house hold is short of male hands to help with the work.

Posted By Desievite Admin

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